Now available on Steam + new maps!
February 21, 2014Scania Truck Driving Simulator has been Greenlit by the Steam community and is now available on Steam. Big thanks to everyone who supported us on our Greenlight page!
You can now also activate your retail copy on Steam to receive updates automatically.
We have also updated the game with 2 new Dangerous Drives and 1 new Competition map. Update is already included in the Steam version, non-Steam users can download the update here.
Get the game on Mac!
March 15, 2013Scania Truck Driving Simulator has been released on Mac App Store today, finally Apple Mac players have a chance to play the game, too.
The game just got bigger!
August 22, 2012With the just released content update, we have added new part of the free roaming Deliveries map for you to enjoy! The patch also contains all previously released Dangerous Drives challenges. Make sure to Update your game!
Scania Truck Driving Simulator
June 13, 2012
We are happy to announce that the digital version of the game has been released. Download the Scania Truck Driving Simulator and try it for free. Enjoy!
Official trailer
June 12, 2012An official trailer of Scania Truck Driving Simulator has been published! Do not forget to check out other movies on our official Youtube Channel.
Official website launched
June 12, 2012Welcome to the official Scania Truck Driving Simulator website. The game is about to be released into retail stores in Europe, and we'd like to show you what's coming - please make sure to check out the game screenshots in the gallery.